Your LIFE! Magazine features quality content focusing on information regarding local interest, health, finance, home and garden, entertainment, travel and aging issues. If it’s interesting…we’re interested!
We encourage article submissions from local and regional professionals and writers. To ensure editorial integrity, we do ask that material be informational and not promotional. You will be provided a byline, photo if applicable, and credit line at the end of the article i.e. “This article submitted by Dr. Thomas Dee PhD. He can be reached at 000-000-0000 or emailed…. Visit his website at…..”
Deadline for article submission is the 20th of the month preceding publication. We ask that article length be approximately 300-700 words.
When submitting an article, in addition to the byline and credit line, please include the following:
Milwaukee Publishing has the right to use this article for print in Your LIFE! Magazine and on the Boomers! Newspaper website. I take full responsibility for content and assure that all information contained in the article is original and not copied from another source without permission.
Please call or email with any further questions. We look forward to hearing from you!
Your LIFE! Magazine
(formerly Boomers! Newspaper)
Phone: 414.586.9212
Email: milwaukeepublishing@wi.rr.com